Tally Talamore Logo Llama Baby
Lot Plats

The documents linked from this page are copies of documents downloaded from the Moore County web site at http://rod.moorecountync.gov/. Official copies may be obtained from the Moore County Government.
1. Talamore
    a. Lot 29
    b. Lots 30 to 34
    c. Lots 33and35
    d. Lots 11 to 28
    e. Lots 1A&B
2. Village of
       Scots Glen
    a. Lots 2 to 10
    b. Lot 2
3. Village of
       Glen Moor
    a. Lot 1
    b. Lots 3 to 6
    c. Lots 4, 18
    d. Lots 9 to 12
    e. Lots 13, 14
    f. Lots 13R, 14R
    g. Lot 17
4. The Highlands
    a. Lots 200, 201
    b. Lot 202
    c. Lot 203
    d. Lots 204, 206
    e. Lot 205
5. Livingston Village
    a. Lots 103, 104
    b. Lots 105 to 112
            & 120 to 123
    c. Lots 107, 108
    d. Lot 115
    e. Lots 118, 119
    f. Lots 100 to 126
Talamore Map
Picture Talamore Home
Copyright Talamore Homeowners Association 2009
Web site developed by Dr. Chuck Lillie