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Newcomers Information

Welcome to Talamore!

We are pleased with your decision to become an owner in, and welcome you to, the beautiful Southern Pines community of Talamore.

Talamore is made up of 87 lots situated around Talamore Golf Course. Our beautifully landscaped community provides a sense of tranquility and beauty for both full and part-time residents, and much of this must be attributed to today's understanding and agreement on what is required to maintain an attractive, compatible and aesthetically pleasing community. In 1993, the developer of Talamore established covenants and guidelines to assure the future of the community. The original covenants have been amended on occasion as new areas were developed or a need for clarification of an issue was realized. The Talamore Westside Homeowners Association (the "Association") is a non-profit corporation, established to oversee and enforce the community's Declaration of Restrictions, Conditions, Easements, Covenants, Agreements, Liens and Charges (hereinafter referred to as "Covenants"), as well as the property. The covenants established by-laws that provide for the formation and operation of the Association. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors, made up of elected Talamore homeowners just like you. This dedicated volunteer team spends a significant amount of their time and effort on your behalf to maintain the community.

The Architectural Review Committee ("ARC") consists of five members appointed by the Board of Directors of the Association. The role of the ARC is to guide residential development and maintenance through adherence to the established guidelines and policies of the Talamore ARC Master Guidelines and Procedures.

The links to the right are intended to answer many of the questions that a new resident might have. Click here for a printable copy of this document. We hope that you find this information helpful during your transition to the community. If there are any questions that remain, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Board of Directors through the MidTal Golf LLC office located at 48 Talamore Drive, 910-692-5584.


The Talamore Westside Homeowners Association
Board of Directors

Normal communications should be directed to the Board of Directors. The Board is available to answer questions should the need arise. You may contact a member by telephone or email. Any changes, modifications or additions to the exterior of your home or yard require prior approval from the Architectural Review Committee. Examples (but not limited to) are: enclosed patios or porches, additions to the footprint of your house, change in driveway composition, awnings, exterior paint colors, and landscaping (including hardscaping such as stonework). This is especially true for anything that can be seen from the golf course or by neighbors. We encourage homeowners to refer to the Covenants and Master Guidelines that contain important information and regulations prior to undertaking any changes in construction and/or landscaping.

The common areas of Talamore are maintained by Talamore Partners, Inc. (“TPI”), the golf club management. Contact MidTal Golf LLC or the Board of Directors for more information.

The yards of the Glen Moor patio homes are maintained by a professional landscape company contracted by the Glen Moor Homeowners Association.
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Emergencies impacting life or property such as fires, medical or personal safety should be addressed by dialing 911. Useful links:

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E-mail is a preferred method of communication for items that can wait a few days for resolution. The website contains important e-mail addresses and contact information. E-mail will be answered within 48 hours of receipt.
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For those without computers, contact Board or ARC members by telephone or written letter.
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Annual dues are determined by the Board in November of each year. Statements to homeowners are mailed directly thereafter and are due by December 15. Late payments are charged a 10% late fee. We ask that you make every effort to pay your dues on a timely basis.
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Homeowners are responsible for any pest control in and around their homes, such as for mosquitoes.
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Trash and recyclable items are picked up by the Town of Southern Pines once a week (Mondays). Recycling is encouraged and green bins will be provided by the Town upon request. Yard waste is picked up every other Friday. Trash must be brought to the curb by homeowners for pick up. If your trash service is missed for some reason, you may contact the Town at (910) 692-5800.
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In the event of a water/sewer emergency, contact the Southern Pines Water and Sewer Department at (910) 692-1627.
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Many homeowners at Talamore have pets and a good number are dogs. Our guidelines require that your animal be restrained at all times by using a leash while walking in a common area. You are also required to clean up any ‘gifts’ left behind by your dog. Please do this as courtesy to your fellow neighbors and community members. Offenders may be reported by contact a member of the Board or ARC.

Be aware that small dogs and cats can make easy prey for loose animals, especially at night.
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The Board wishes to make all residents aware that even with constant vigilance, we are unable to provide a 100% safe and secure community. It is each resident’s responsibility to take measures necessary for the security of their own person and property.
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Talamore has roadways that invite people to walk for exercise during the day and evening. We kindly ask all residents and guests to please observe the 35mph speed limit at all times, and we welcome even slower speeds. Residents may report vehicles traveling at excessive speeds to a Board member, although it is difficult to catch those who come to golf, but are not homeowners.
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Picture Talamore Home
Copyright Talamore Homeowners Association 2009
Web site developed by Dr. Chuck Lillie